

Welcome to the Cryptex24 trade API! You can use our API to perform trading operations.


All HTTP endpoints endpoints available on All responses with body are application/json content-type.

Rate limit

Current rate limit for trade api endpoints is 10 requests per second for one API key.


To generate private key for signing requests, you can use openssl toolkit by next bash command:

openssl ecparam -name secp521r1 -genkey -noout -out private_key_file.pem

After that, you can generate public key from private by next bash command:

openssl ec -in private_key_file.pem -pubout -out public_key_file.pem

Some languages, like Java, uses pkcs8 formatted private key. You can format key by next bash command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -in private_key_file.pem -outform pem -nocrypt -out private_key_file_pkcs8.key

Example of hex encoded signature generation (dependencies - Apache Commons Codec and Bouncy Castle):

package abc;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;

public class SignatureGenerator {

    static {
        Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());

    private static final String KEY_FACTORY_ALGORITHM = "EC";
    private static final String SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "SHA256withPLAIN-ECDSA";
    private static final String SECURITY_PROVIDER_NAME = BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME;

    //private key from file without first and last line, for example: "MIHuAgEA...kQlw=="
    public static String generateHexSignature(String privateKey, String dataToSign) throws Exception {
        byte[] encodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKey);

        KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_FACTORY_ALGORITHM);
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec encodedKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encodedKey);
        PrivateKey pk = keyFactory.generatePrivate(encodedKeySpec);

        Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, SECURITY_PROVIDER_NAME);

        byte[] resultSignature = signature.sign();
        return Hex.encodeHexString(resultSignature);


Cryptex24 uses API keys and request signatures to allow access to the secured API endpoints.

Signature should be created by ecdsa (P-521/secp521r1 curve) algorithm with sha256 hash-function.

You can contact us to receive an API key and give us your public key that will be used to verify your signatures.

All endpoints parameters are sent as a query parameters. You should sign your request path with query params included (for example, /trade/v1/stock-order?orderId=162c88330edc9b54788d069bf). When performing request, send with each request next information:

Account balance

Response example:

        "currency": "C24",
        "active": 300.8,
        "blocked": 55.24
        "currency": "BTC",
        "active": 0.5,
        "blocked": 0.0

This endpoint retrieves all account balances. Active balance represents available amount that can be used for orders, blocked balance is balance in active orders, withdraw processing, C24 codes.

Http request


Response list element parameters

Parameter Type Description
currency String Balance currency, for example C24.
active Double Active balance you can use.
blocked Double Balance in active orders, withdraw processing, C24 codes.


ENUM defenitions

Order status Description
NEW New order.
PARTIALLY_FILLED Order was partially filled.
IN_PROCESS Order is placed on market, has being executed right now.
DONE Order has been completed.
CANCELLED Order has been cancelled by user.
FAILED Order failed, contact support for details.

Order types:

Operation type:

Definition of base and quote currency:

Please, note that order minimal total must be > 0.00001 in BTC. Fee for orders will be calculated and added on top of amount (for SELL order) you send, or total (for BUY order).

Create limit order

Response example:

    "orderId": "6080324622dcb62ce97273cf"

Http request


In response, you receive order identifier string.

Query parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
price Double Price in quote currency for base currency.
amount Double Amount of base currency.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.

Create market-to-limit order

Response example:

    "orderId": "6090324622dcb62ce97273dg"

Http request


In response, you receive order identifier string.

Query parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
amount Double Amount of base currency.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.

Create stop-limit order

Response example:

    "orderId": "6100324622dcb62ce97273eh"

If trigger condition already satisfied by market price during order creation, it will be be placed to market immediately.

Http request


In response, you receive order identifier string.

Query parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
stop Double Stop price, when it's reached - order will be placed on market.
price Double Price in quote currency for base currency.
amount Double Amount of base currency.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.

Cancel order

Response example:

    "orderCancelled": true

Http request


If order cancelled, you will receive success response. Order can't be cancelled if it's already done/cancelled or in process right now.

Query parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
orderId String Identifier for order you want to cancel.

Get single order

Response example:

    "orderId": "60806beefb4de26a1e366f57",
    "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
    "baseCurrency": "C24",
    "stop": 5.0,
    "price": 10.0,
    "initialPrice": 10.0,
    "amount": 1.0,
    "initialAmount": 2.0,
    "total": 10.0,
    "operationType": "BUY",
    "orderType": "STOP_LIMIT",
    "timestamp": 1619028974760,
    "status": "PARTIALLY_FILLED",
    "triggerCondition": ">= 5.0",
    "isOrderTriggered": true

Http request


In response, you receive order information. You can find only your orders.

Query parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
orderId String Order identifier you received in response on create order request.

Resposne body parameters

Parameter Type Description
orderId String Order identifier.
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
stop Double Stop price, optional field (exists only for STOP_LIMIT order).
price Double Actual price in quote currency for base currency. (Can be different from initial in case of market order, or when maker order closes your taker order and has better price for you).
amount Double Actual amount of base currency. This value equals to 0 when order has DONE status.
initialPrice Double Initial price of order.
initialAmount Double Initial amount of base currency.
total Double Price multipled by amount. This value equals to 0 when order has DONE status.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.
orderType String (ENUM) Type that order belongs to.
triggerCondition String String representation of trigger condition, optional field (exists only for STOP_LIMIT order). Example: >= 2.1.
isOrderTriggered Boolean Indicates whether the order has been triggered and placed on market, optional field (exists only for STOP_LIMIT order).
status String (ENUM) Current order status.
timestamp Long Order creation timestamp milliseconds (UTC).

Get all orders

Response example:

    "body": [
            "orderId": "60806beefb4de26a1e366f57",
            "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
            "baseCurrency": "XRP",
            "stop": 5.0,
            "price": 10.0,
            "initialPrice": 10.0,
            "amount": 1.0,
            "initialAmount": 2.0,
            "total": 10.0,
            "operationType": "BUY",
            "orderType": "STOP_LIMIT",
            "timestamp": 1619028974760,
            "status": "PARTIALLY_FILLED",
            "triggerCondition": ">= 5.0",
            "isOrderTriggered": true
            "orderId": "607db6243e5c67777cd1ff96",
            "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
            "baseCurrency": "C24",
            "price": 2.0,
            "initialPrice": 2.0,
            "amount": 2.0,
            "initialAmount": 2.0,
            "total": 4.0,
            "operationType": "SELL",
            "orderType": "LIMIT",
            "timestamp": 1618851364467,
            "status": "CANCELLED"
    "totalElements": 19,
    "totalPages": 10

Http request


In response, you receive orders page. You will receive only your orders in response.

Query parameters (all parameters are optional)

Parameter Type Default value Description
orderStatuses List of strings (ENUM) All order statuses Filter by order statuses.
orderTypes List of strings (ENUM) All order types Filter by order type.
quoteCurrency String All currencies Filter by quote currency.
baseCurrency String All currencies Filter by base currency.
createDateSortDirection String DESC Sort by order creation time. By default, from newer orders to older. Possible values: DESC, ASC.
operationType String (ENUM) All operation types Filter by operation type.
page Integer 0 Page number, starts from 0.
size Integer 100 Size of page (min = 1, max = 1000).
from Long None Filter by creation timestamp milliseconds (UTC) from specified value, inclusive.
to Long None Filter by creation timestamp milliseconds (UTC) to specified value, inclusive.

Resposne body parameters

Parameter Type Description
totalPages Integer Number of total pages.
totalElements Integer Number of total elements.
body List of orders List of orders (check previous endpoint description to see order structure).

Trade history

Trade history represents all trades that was made with your orders. If your maker order was matched to multiple other orders, you will have different trade history records for each of opposite orders. If your taker order matched orders with different prices, your trade history will have multiple records for each price.

Get trade history

Response example:

    "body": [
            "publicTradeId": "6079cc02c0404029d0eaa859",
            "tradeId": "6082fb8842c1a975a9c4237a",
            "orderId": "6079cc012d11eb3a68e089a9",
            "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
            "baseCurrency": "C24",
            "price": 5.0,
            "amount": 1.0,
            "total": 5.0,
            "operationType": "BUY",
            "timestamp": 1618594817903,
            "isMaker": false
            "tradeId": "6082fb89913dd62f1114b98e",
            "orderId": "6079c8c02d11eb3a68e0899e",
            "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
            "baseCurrency": "C24",
            "price": 5.0,
            "amount": 1.0,
            "total": 5.0,
            "operationType": "SELL",
            "timestamp": 1618593984492,
            "isMaker": true
    "totalElements": 19,
    "totalPages": 10

Http request


In response, you receive trade history page. You will receive only your orders trade records in response.

Query parameters (all parameters are optional)

Parameter Type Default value Description
quoteCurrency String All currencies Filter by quote currency.
baseCurrency String All currencies Filter by base currency.
createDateSortDirection String DESC Sort by order execution time. By default, from newer trade records to older. Possible values: DESC, ASC.
operationType String (ENUM) All operation types Filter by operation type.
makerTakerFilter String (ENUM) Both sides Filter records by maker or taker trade side. Possible values: MAKER, TAKER.
orderId String All orders Filter records by order identifier.
page Integer 0 Page number, starts from 0.
size Integer 100 Size of page (min = 1, max = 1000).
from Long None Filter by creation timestamp milliseconds (UTC) from specified value, inclusive.
to Long None Filter by creation timestamp milliseconds (UTC) to specified value, inclusive.

Resposne body parameters

Parameter Type Description
totalPages Integer Number of total pages.
totalElements Integer Number of total elements.
body List of trade history records List of trade history records (described below).

Trade history record parameters

Note: for taker order operations, trade history records contain publicTradeId field, that can be used to bind this record with public API trade history record. Soon this field will be removed, and tradeId will be used for this purpose. publicTradeId should be considered as optional. Trade history record contains next fields:

Parameter Type Description
publicTradeId String Public API trade identifier. Soon will be removed (check note above).
tradeId String Unique trade identifier.
orderId String Related order identifier.
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
price Double Price in quote currency for base currency.
amount Double Amount of base currency.
total Double Price multipled by amount.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.
timestamp Long Trade timestamp milliseconds (UTC).
isMaker Boolean Indicates whether your order was maker or taker in this trade (Can be different for the same order in multiple trade records).

V1 HTTP API Errors

Failed request error-body example:

    "status": 400,
    "messages": [
        "Some parameters are absent, or invalid."
    "code": 40001

When error occured, you will receive object that describes error. In case if you reached rate limit, you will receive 429 HTTP status with no body.

Response body parameters

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Error identifier.
messages List of string List of error description messages. Contains at least one default message.
status Integer HTTP status code.

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error Code Meaning
400 40001 Some parameters are absent, or invalid.
400 40002 Not enough balance.
400 40003 Order not found.
400 40004 Order can't be cancelled.
400 40005 Order's total should be bigger.
400 40006 Account's balance blocked.
400 40007 Currency precision exceeded.
401 40101 API key or signature header not present.
401 40102 Wrong API key.
401 40103 Signature not verified.
500 50001 Issue with internal service.
500 99999 Unknown error.

V1 WebSocket API

Success subscription response example:

        "status": "SUCCESS"

Failed subscription response example:

        "status": "FAILED",
        "message": "Error message",
        "code": 123

Topic message structure:

        "topic": "NAME_OF_TOPIC",
        "data": "{...}"

We provide WebSocket API that you can use to receive market updates in real-time. You can subscribe to different topics to listen for specific updates.

There are public and private WebSockets available - private WebSockets contain just your account related orders, trades etc. You need to provide an API key to subsribe to private topic. For public and private WebSocket updates receiving, use different connections. Timeout for WebSockets is 2 hours, you should reconnect after disconnect again.

Public WebSocket endpoints: wss://

Private WebSocket endpoints: wss://

ENUM defenitions

Websocket topics

Topic Type Description
ORDER_UPDATES Private topic Provides order updates information along with new orders by pair.
ORDER_BOOK Public topic Provides order book updates by pair.
TRADE_HISTORY Public and private topic Provides new trade history by pair.
BALANCE_CHANGES Private topic Provides account balance changes.

Subscription response status

Topic Description
SUCCESS You successfully subscribed to topic.
FAILED Some error occured. Check websocket errors for details.

Each WebSocket message should be sent as a JSON object. Each topic message contains two fields - topic and data. Field topic indicates what message you have received, and data field contains payload. See detailed information and examples for each topic below.

Order updates

Subscription request example:

        "topic": "ORDER_UPDATES",
        "apiKey": "api key value",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT"

Topic message example:

    "topic": "ORDER_UPDATES",
    "data": {
        "orderId": "6086f558ce165d707c742220",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
        "operationType": "BUY",
        "orderType": "LIMIT",
        "price": 5.00000000,
        "initialPrice": 5.00000000,
        "amount": 1.00000000,
        "initialAmount": 1.00000000,
        "total": 5.00000000,
        "status": "NEW"

Subscription message parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example USDT.
apiKey String Your API key.
topic String (ENUM) Topic name, ORDER_UPDATES.

Subscription resposne message parameters

Parameter Type Description
status String (ENUM) Subscription response status. SUCCESS if successful subscription, FAILED otherwise.
message String Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error message.
code Integer Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error code.

Topic message data field parameters

Parameter Type Description
orderId String Order identifier.
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
stop Double Stop price, optional field (exists only for STOP_LIMIT order).
price Double Actual price in quote currency for base currency. (Can be different from initial in case of market order, or when maker order closes your taker order and has better price for you).
amount Double Actual amount of base currency. This value equals to 0 when order has DONE status.
initialPrice Double Initial price of order.
initialAmount Double Initial amount of base currency.
total Double Price multipled by amount. This value equals to 0 when order has DONE status.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.
orderType String (ENUM) Type that order belongs to (check HTTP API documentation).
triggerCondition String String representation of trigger condition, optional field (exists only for STOP_LIMIT order). Example: >= 2.1.
isOrderTriggered Boolean Indicates whether the order has been triggered and placed on market, optional field (exists only for STOP_LIMIT order).
status String (ENUM) Current order status (check HTTP API documentation).

Order book

Subscription request example:

        "topic": "ORDER_BOOK",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT"

Topic message example:

    "topic": "ORDER_BOOK",
    "data": {
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
        "side": "BUY",
        "price": 5.00000000,
        "amount": 3.00000000,
        "total": 15.00000000

Subscription message parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example USDT.
topic String (ENUM) Topic name, ORDER_BOOK.

Subscription resposne message parameters

Parameter Type Description
status String (ENUM) Subscription response status. SUCCESS if successful subscription, FAILED otherwise.
message String Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error message.
code Integer Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error code.

Topic message data field parameters

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example USDT.
side String (ENUM) Order book side. Possible values: BUY, SELL.
price Double Price in quote currency for base currency.
amount Double Amount of base currency.
total Double Price multipled by amount.

Trade history

Public WebSocket subscription request example:

        "topic": "TRADE_HISTORY",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT"

Private WebSocket subscription request example:

        "topic": "TRADE_HISTORY",
        "apiKey": "api key value",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT"

Public WebSocket topic message example:

    "topic": "TRADE_HISTORY",
    "data": {
        "publicTradeId": "60881dde0b6ac5418ac1be51",
        "tradeId": "60881dde0b6ac5418ac1be53",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
        "operationType": "SELL",
        "price": 5.00000000,
        "amount": 1.00000000,
        "total": 5.00000000,
        "isMaker": false

Private WebSocket topic message example:

    "topic": "TRADE_HISTORY",
    "data": {
        "orderId": "60881ddde6405d082c530521",
        "publicTradeId": "60881dde0b6ac5418ac1be51",
        "tradeId": "60881dde0b6ac5418ac1be53",
        "baseCurrency": "C24",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
        "operationType": "SELL",
        "price": 5.00000000,
        "amount": 1.00000000,
        "total": 5.00000000,
        "isMaker": false

Public topic subscription message parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example USDT.
topic String (ENUM) Topic name, TRADE_HISTORY.

Private topic subscription message parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example USDT.
apiKey String Your API key.
topic String (ENUM) Topic name, TRADE_HISTORY.

Subscription resposne message parameters

Parameter Type Description
status String (ENUM) Subscription response status. SUCCESS if successful subscription, FAILED otherwise.
message String Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error message.
code Integer Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error code.

Topic message data field parameters

Note: for taker order operations, trade history records contain publicTradeId field, that can be used to bind this record with public API trade history record. Soon this field will be removed, and tradeId will be used for this purpose. publicTradeId should be considered as optional.

Parameter Type Description
publicTradeId String Public API trade identifier. Soon will be removed.
tradeId String Unique trade identifier.
orderId String Related order identifier. Note: present only for private WebSocket.
baseCurrency String Base currency, for example C24.
quoteCurrency String Quote currency, for example BTC.
price Double Price in quote currency for base currency.
amount Double Amount of base currency.
total Double Price multipled by amount.
operationType String (ENUM) BUY or SELL.
isMaker Boolean Indicates whether your order was maker or taker in this trade (Can be different for the same order in multiple trade records).

Balance changes

Subscription request example:

        "topic": "BALANCE_CHANGES",
        "apiKey": "api key value"

Topic message example:

    "topic": "BALANCE_CHANGES",
    "data": {
        "currency": "C24",
        "active": 954.97000000,
        "blocked": 30.03000000

Subscription message parameters (all required)

Parameter Type Description
apiKey String Your API key.
topic String (ENUM) Topic name, BALANCE_CHANGES.

Subscription resposne message parameters

Parameter Type Description
status String (ENUM) Subscription response status. SUCCESS if successful subscription, FAILED otherwise.
message String Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error message.
code Integer Optional field, present for FAILED subscription only. Error code.

Topic message data field parameters

Parameter Type Description
currency String Changed balance currency, for example C24.
active Double Active balance you can use.
blocked Double Balance in active orders, withdraw processing, C24 codes.

V1 WebSocket Errors

Failed subscription error-response example:

    "status": "FAILED",
    "message": "Some parameters are absent, or invalid.",
    "code": 40001

If error occured during subscription, you will receive object that describes error.

Response body parameters

Parameter Type Description
status String Subscription response status, in case of error - FAILED.
message String Error description message.
code Integer Error identifier.

Possible errors

Error Code Meaning
40001 Some parameters are absent, or invalid.
40002 Error when parsing income message.
40102 Wrong API key.
99999 Unknown error.